Article about the Whole Book Approach in Bay State Parent Magazine

Thanks very much to Bay State Parent Magazine for this great article about the Whole Book Approach and Reading Picture Books with Children:

They quote me in this piece, but they also quote Carle Museum educator and Simmons College Children’s Literature graduate, Emily Prabhaker. She is doing amazing work with the Whole Book Approach on behalf of The Carle, and I encourage readers to reach out to her for information about their ongoing programs. Also quoted is Ali Wicks-Lim, a local mom who brought her son to my storytimes at The Carle for many years, and who has since become a good friend. Although I think my book’s primary market is teachers and librarians, I think there’s room for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers, and Ali makes the case for this as she reflects on her son’s experience:

“The conversation can change each time you read a certain book, making the same books feel new again. Plus, you learn a lot about your kids during these story times — what makes them laugh, what kinds of stories they’re interested in, etc. They become a mini book group![…] The Whole Book Approach has extended my son’s ability to appreciate picture books,” Wicks-Lim adds, noting her son is now 10 and started with Whole Book Approach storytimes as a toddler. “I think this is because there’s more to them for him than just what’s read aloud or in the text on the pages. He’s thinking about the book in multiple ways and dimensions.” 

Thanks Ali and Emily, and thanks also to Jennifer Sheehy Everett for writing this article.

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